
How to install EPEL and REMI repository on CentOS 5.x, 6.x, or 7.x? The following article will describe how to configure a CentOS 5 based, CentOS 6 based, or CentOS 7 based system to use Fedora Epel repos and third party remi package repos. These package repositories are not officially supported by CentOS, but they provide much more current versions of popular applications like PHP or MYSQL. Like the PHP that the official repositories provide is 5.3.3, the PHP from REMI repository is much more current versions PHP 5.5 or 5.6. Install the extra repositories: The first step requires downloading some RPM files that contain the additional YUM repository definitions. The example below point to the 64-bit versions that work with 64bit VPS instances. CentOS 5.x 64-bit

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After two years since Raspberry Pi Model B was launched, the Raspberry Pi foundation has just released a new version of their popular Model B board: Raspberry Pi Model B+. Raspberry Pi Model B+ contains numerous small improvements.

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Modifying OpenCart core files greatly reduces your ability to upgrade your store to later versions, and can affect other modules and extensions. vQmod provides a mechanism by which modules requiring OpenCart core modifications can be installed without damaging the integrity of your core system for upgrades. vQmod keeps a list of filenames and changes required, in the form of one XML file per extension. These changes are then created as the core files are used, and the resulting files are stored as cached copies which are executed instead of the original, core PHP or TPL file. Note: OpenCart 2.0 already include OCmod in default. OCmod is similar to vQmod. The vQmod download and instructions for installation can be found here: vQmod download vQmod WiKi Here is the easy instruction:

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OpenCart is a free, open-source shopping cart. You can install OpenCart using cPanel by just one click, which will be much easier than manually installing it. However, in this tutorial, we will show you how to manually install OpenCart into your server. Before anything else, make sure your hosting meet the requirements listed below.

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If you encounter the error You don’t have permission to save in this location when you are trying to save the Hosts file, that means the account that you logged in you doesn’t have administrator permission to save a file or the hosts file is protected by other programs. You may try the following suggestions one by one to check the issue. Hosts Permission

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Take a quick look at Apache’s access.log, there are always all sorts of unknown IPs are connecting, mostly with a status code 403, 404. For example, Some bots like ZmEu are trying to find phpmyadmin or other unprotect web server. ZmEu is a script built by a group of Romanian Hackers. This script essentially looks for a set of scripts and directories of common interest, like for example /phpMyAdmin/*, /pma/* what it is actually looking for is unprotect scripts and other things that might allow the foreign host access into something valuable. such as such as your MySQL databases! An example of ZmEu scan logs. If you see the status code is 403 or 404, your are mostly OK. If the status code is 200, you might need to find out what ZmEu already found out. It’s only dangerous if you have unpatched or unprotected versions of software on the host that may be vulnerable.

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mysqladmin is a client for performing administrative operations. You can use it to check the MySQL/MariaDB configuration and current status, to create and drop databases, and more. You can use mysqladmin to reload/refresh MySQL Privileges, set/change MySQL/MariaDB Root password, check MySQL/MariaDB Server status, show MySQL/MariaDB version, show all MySQL/MariaDB server Variables and Values, check all the running Process of MySQL/MariaDB server, connect remote mysql server, create/drop a Database, reload the grant tables, perform a flush-privileges operation, check mysqladmin options and usage, and shutdown MySQL/MariaDB safely. All this can be done by executing a mysqladmin commands. Invoke mysqladmin like this:

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Nowadays is easy to find a board with more than two ports. For a box with 4 gigabit ports, one used as WAN, others act as as LAN as if they are all part of a switch. Bridging is a good way to go. A bridged interface is one that can filter traffic without pfSense being involved in the IP layer of the connection. This is commonly referred to as a “transparent firewall”. Requirements: pfSense box with multiple NICS; 1 for Wan, others for Lans (two or more). What we will get: i port as 1 WAN, Others as LAN.

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